If you are travelling to Lillehammer for a brief stay and don’t have time to experience Norway away from the city, visit Telemarkstunet, at the top of Lillehammer’s iconic ski jump. Accessible by road or by the chairlift from the bottom of the ski jump, it commands the most amazing views.
Some of the buildings are replicas from the 1700s and beautifully decorated with artefacts, with all the charm of days gone by. The main building houses the banquet room, and this stunning room is available for weddings, conferences and groups of 15 to 150 people. Yet another building houses the fire pit room, which is available for smaller groups. Here, the fire pit in the middle of the room creates a wonderful, cosy and welcoming atmosphere in which to enjoy your personal celebration.
The expansive grounds feature typical Norwegian landscaped gardens and give plenty of areas to relax and soak up the surroundings.
A more traditional self-catering cabin can comfortably accommodate up to 8 people, over two floors. Equipped with a full kitchen, dining area and lounge with a fireplace, it gives the traveller an experience of Norway not usually available in the city.
Capasity: Groups from 15 to 150 persons.

- Service
- Value
- Food
- Excellent2
- Very Good1
- Average0
- Poor0
- Terrible0
Recent Reviews:
- SvanhildHavnVLillehammer, NorwayTrip Type:BusinessSupert sted.Friday, 25th October 2013Det må bare oppleves. For et trivelig sted i ekte norsk stil. Fantastisk vertskap og den maten. Veldrevet sted fint for både mindre og større selskaper. Read full review
- gjh_larvikLarvik, NorgeTrip Type:FamilyVakre TelemarkstunetMonday, 25th July 2016Vakre hus i nydelige omgivelser. Hele tunet er bygget opp med laftede hus identiske med de man finner i Telemark. Flott utsikt og umiddelbar nærhet til naturen. Flotte selskapslokaler og nydelig... Read full review
- Lucian MConstanta, RomaniaTrip Type:BusinessVery nice lunchSaturday, 18th July 2015Telemarkstunet Restaurant was a very nice surprise for me. It’s located near to the tower for ski jumping in Olympic Park. The building, the interior and the decorations are in a traditional manner... Read full review
Food and drinks
- reservations are required
General facilities
- restaurant
Package tours
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2618 Lillehammer