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Number of results: 5
Bicycle ride around lake Dokkfløyvatnet in Gausdal Vestfjell (30 km)
A long trip on a quiet dirt road from Holsbru on the western side of lake Dokkfløyvatnet.
Dokkfløy Rundt (35 / 25 km)
With Synnfjellporten as starting point, the route runs on dirt and tarmac roads, and is moderately challenging.
Spåtind Fjellstue- Hols Bru - Liomseter 30 km
With Spåtind Sport Hotel as starting point, follow route 196 to Oppsjøkrysset.
Spåtind Fjellstue– Lenningen – Leppdalen – Dokka 60 km
With Spåtind Fjellstue as starting point, follow route 196 to Oppsjøkrysset.
Synnfjellporten - Hugulia - Lenningen - Synnfjellporten (85 km)
With Synnfjellporten as starting point, follow route 196 a few hundred metres to the turn-off to Aasætra.