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Number of results: 8
Around Reinsvannet Lake via Pellestova/Hafjell - 19,3 km
If you like skating, this trip around the Reinsvannet lake is perfect. You are crossing a part of the Troll-loipe between Rondane and Lillehammer.
Nordseter - Lunkefjell (1012moh) via Mellsjøen - 14,5 km
Enjoy the valley view from Lunkefjell. From the top you can choose to continue towards Sjusjøen or down to lake Mellsjøen. The last stretch to…
Nordseter ski track to Lillehammer
From Nordseter you can ski all the way to Lillehammer partly following the Birkebeiner trail down to Lillehammer downtown.
Nordseter-Hornsjøen (13,1 km)
Trip to Hornsjø and back. An excellent trail which is prepared as soon as the snow arrives. Hot drinks and lunch are available at Hornsjø…
Nordseter-Melsjøen-Kroksjøen-Sjusjøen (22 km)
Cross-country ski trail usually prepared around Christmas. This roundtrip connects Sjusjøen and Nordseter, and offers the opportunity to return to…
Nordseter-Nevelvatn (7,5 km)
Beautiful cross-country ski trail with a gentle climb to the tree-line by the foot of Nevelfjell mountain. The trail then continues around lake…
Nordseter-Pellestova-Reinsvatn (20 km)
A trip to the mountain plateau through a gentle and open landscape, and with Pellestova as the ideal spot for a break and a hot drink. Return on the…
Wood Trail - Nordseter to Sjusjøen - 5,9 km
To Sjusjøen through the woods - the trail to choose when low visibility and bad weather. Double track also prepared for ski skating between Sjusjøen…