What's Nearby
Through the forest and up into the mountain to Bingsbu ski lounge, with option to…
45 m away
Dalseter stables and Åsli Riding Centre offers riding tours for both unexperienced and…
70 m away
Next to lake Breidsjøen, approx. 1 km downhill from the hotel, lies Dalseter’s little…
70 m away
In collaboration with our neighbour, Ruten Fjellstue, we have added to our team a…
70 m away
The Ruten (1 517 m a.s.l.) massif is located between Espedalen and Gudbrandsdalen, and is…
70 m away
Gentle round-trip through forest terrain, from Dalseter and around lake Breidsjøen.…
70 m away
Gentle route in forest terrain from Dalseter to Hattdalseter, leading along the Peer Gynt…
70 m away
A reasonably challenging trip, leading through a birch forest, up into the mountain, and…
70 m away
A journey through the area where one of Europe’s largest and most unique moose migrations…
118 m away
With Skeikampen as starting point, the trail follows the Peer Gynt route to Fagerhøi. The…
672 m away
"Starts at Ruten Fjellstue or Dalseter Høyfjellshotell, and continues via Elgtårnet (elk…
724 m away
"Easy family trip to lake Langtjern.
724 m away
"Experience the Ruten massif (1617 m a.s.l.) from every angle
2.84 km away
This 45-kilometre long toll road winds through open and easily accessible mountain…
7.16 km away
Next to lake Breidsjøen lies Dalseter’s little boat house.
13.50 km away
Spectacular views of the mountains.
16.06 km away